Woman Injured in Trophy Eyes Stage Diving Incident Expects to Make a Full Recovery | MetalSucks
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Woman Injured in Trophy Eyes Stage Diving Incident Expects to Make a Full Recovery | MetalSucks

Oct 16, 2024

You want some good news? We’ve got some good news for once! Bird Piché, the woman who suffered a spinal injury when Trophy Eyes frontman John Floreani disregarded a venue policy and stage dove into the crowd is expected to make a full recovery.

You may recall that Piché was injured at the band’s show on April 30 at Mohawk Place in Buffalo, New York when Floreani dove backwards into the crowd shortly after the band’s set began. He did this even though the venue has a very strict no moshing policy. As a result of her injury, the concert was immediately cut short, as the 24-year-old fan had to be given medical aid.

In a recent interview with NBC News, Piché described what happened when she was injured, explaining how Floreani pretty much landed on her neck.

“It was, like, his body and my neck. It was a crowd-surfing thing. When you hear about these types of injuries, they’re obviously very serious, so I didn’t expect to have any recovery.”

Though she was aware that this sort of thing could happen at a show, Piché rightly said she didn’t think she’d end up in the hospital.

“[Crowd surfing is] pretty typical at these kinds of shows. I didn’t really know what to expect, but I definitely didn’t expect to be in a hospital after the concert.”

Piché revealed that she’s been slowly regaining control of her limbs, though she still has issues with her extremities at this time.

“I’m going to rehab either later today or tomorrow, but they do think I’ll have full recovery. Nothing is certain, obviously, but they are predicting l will have full recovery of everything.”

“So my legs, it’s involuntary, have been kicking a lot lately. I can’t control it. My arms, they’re — besides my hand dexterity — almost fully there. My fingers don’t have full movement.”

Shortly after the incident, a GoFundMe page was started in a bid to help cover her medical bills, recovery, and potential future needs. To their credit, Trophy Eyes donated $5,000 towards her goal of $100,000, while Mohawk Place kicked in an additional $500.

With a potentially long rehabilitation road ahead of her, Piché and her family declined to say whether they would file a lawsuit against the venue, Trophy Eyes, or Floreani. Unfortunately, this isn’t the first time something like this has happened at Mohawk Place. During a Terror and Trapped Under Ice show, a man named Mike Bird was injured by a stage diver and suffered a broken C5 and C6 vertebrae. That injury also required spinal surgery and the lawsuit that followed nearly sunk the venue.