5 Brutally Honest Reasons Why Montanans Don't Like Out Of Staters
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5 Brutally Honest Reasons Why Montanans Don't Like Out Of Staters

Jul 16, 2023

If you decided to pack up all of your belongings and move to Montana from a different state, don't be surprised if you're greeted with the words "Go back to where you came from." Montanans aren't shy when it comes to expressing their frustration with transplants.

Montana is a great place, and those that live here prefer to keep it that way. They don't want it to change, and it's completely understandable. If you're new to Montana, don't take it personally, but to most residents, you're simply not welcome here.

Now, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I've personally witnessed a lot of resentment towards out-of-staters. The influx of new residents in Bozeman has changed the city, and not necessarily for the better. Downtown is filled with high-priced boutiques and restaurants that the average person can't afford. Bozeman has officially become a haven for the wealthy.

So, why do so many Montanans hate transplants? I could spend all day listing different reasons, but I'm going to focus on some major issues that have often been blamed on newcomers.

Sadly, many of Montana's political figures aren't from Montana. The state is literally run by out-of-staters, so most of the complaints from locals fall upon deaf ears. Don't hate me, I'm just the messenger.

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