Milton celebrates Memorial Day
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Milton celebrates Memorial Day

Jan 23, 2024

A bright and cool day brought many to Milton Cemetery for the annual Memorial Day ceremony. Director of Veterans Services Kevin Cook welcomed everyone before turning toward the Milton High School (MHS) chorus who performed the national anthem.

The pastor of St. Michael's Church, Rev. Kirkham Hall, delivered the invocation.

"This is a somber day of reflection, a time to remember those men and women who have helped deliver us our freedoms," said James Coyne, chair of the Milton Cemetery Trustees, in his welcoming remarks.

The members of Girl Scout Troop 70724 led the crowd in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Cook spoke on behalf of the American Legion 114 post since Frank Stout, the representative of the Legion, was unable to attend due to a family emergency.

Cook thanked local representatives and officials including state Rep. Bill Driscoll; state Rep. Brandy Fluker Oakley; state Rep. Stephen Lynch; state Sen. Walter Timilty; Select Board members Mike Zullas, Erin Bradley, Ben Zoll, Roxanne Musto, and Richard Wells; Town Administrator Nick Milano; Town Moderator Bob Hiss; the Milton Cemetery Board of Trustees; and Cemetery Superintendent Lisa Ahern and her staff.

Pierce student Piper Bergin, the Project 351 ambassador, read the Project 351 proclamation.

"In the military you’re not allowed to be away from your duty station until you’re dismissed," joked Cook after Bergin finished reading.

He presented her with the Milton Challenge coin, a tradition of a superior military member giving the coin to a junior member in recognition of a job well done.

Select Board chair Zullas said, "A few weeks ago during the flag placing ceremony, my daughters and I read some of the headstones in the older section of the cemetery. When we read those stories on the headstones, we think about their values and those who went before us. That is what today is about: keeping alive the memory of service members who passed on and the values in which they served and fought."

Select Board member Wells read General John Logan's order.

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